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Retno Widowati, - and Adi Basukriadi, - and Ariyanti Oetari, - and Effionora Anwar, - and Wellyzar Sjamsuridzal, - (2013) Jurnal Internasional - "The Effects of Pollen Substitutes on The Productivity of Apis cerana in Indonesia". Bee World, 90 (3). pp. 72-75. ISSN 0005-772X
Retno Widowati, - and Adi Basukriadi, - and Ariyanti Oetari, - and Effionora Anwar, - and Wellyzar Sjamsuridzal, - (2013) The Effect of Pollen Substitutes on the Productivity of Apis cerana in Indonesia. Beekeeping Science.
Retno Widowati, - (2011) Jurnal Ilmiah - Keunggulan Lebah Madu Lokal Apis Cerana Fabricius. Keunggulan Lebah Madu Lokal Apis Cerana Fabricius, 28 (307). pp. 2-7. ISSN 0215-2800
Retno Widowati, - and Noverita, Noverita and Yarni, - (2011) Jurnal Ilmiah - Prevalensi Pityriasis Versicolor pada murid-murid Sekolah Dasar di Kepulauan Seribu. Majalah Ilmiah Widya, 27 (304). pp. 17-23. ISSN 0215-2800
Retno Widowati, - (2010) Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dengan judul: "Potensi Antimikrobial Ekstrak Cacing Tanah Megascolex sp. Terhadap Bakteri Salmonella typhi dan Salmonella paratyphi". Potensi Antimikrobial Ekstrak Cacing Tanah Megascolex sp. Terhadap Bakteri Salmonella typhi dan Salmonella paratyphi, 2 (2). pp. 45-57. ISSN 1978-9467
Sri Handayani, - and Retno Widowati, - (2009) Jurnal Nasional - Daya Antimikrobial Ekstrak Makroalga Padina sp Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus aureas. Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya, 30 (19). pp. 1861-1866. ISSN 0126-2602
Retno Widowati, - (2008) Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi - Keberadaan Bakteri Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Pada Udang Yang Dijual di Rumah Makan Kawasan Pantai Pangandaran. Vis Vitalis Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi, 1 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 1978-9517
Nurbaiti, - and Mariani Lisa, - and Kholifah, - and Novita, - and Retno Widowati, - (2007) Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi - Pemeriksaan Secara Bakteriologis Sumber Air Minum Penduduk Desa Labuhan Ratu VI Lampung. Vis Vitalis Jurnal Biologi, 3 (1). pp. 36-42. ISSN 1978-9513
Retno Widowati, - and Rizky Gautama Maulana, - and Sri Suci Utami Atmoko, - INVENTORY OF STINGLESS BEES BASED ON NESTING AND NEST TREES AT TUANAN ORANGUTAN RESEARCH STATION CENTRAL KALIMANTAN INDONESIA. European Chemical Bulletin, 12. ISSN 2063-5346
Retno Widowati, - (2014) Prosiding Seminar Nasional dengan judul: "Studi Usaha Ternak Lebah Madu Indigenous Indonesia Apis Cerana Secara Tradisional di Bali". In: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Integrasi Keanekaragaman Hayati dan Kebudayaan Dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan.
LPPM Universitas Nasional (2018) Hak Paten "Mesin Penurun Kadar Air Madu". IDS000002971.
Retno Widowati, - Bukti Kinerja Mengajar Mata Kuliah Bioteknologi Industri Kelas A. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - Bukti Kinerja Mengajar Mata Kuliah Etika Lingkungan Kelas 704. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - Bukti Kinerja Mengajar Mata Kuliah Fitoterapi Kelas I. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - Bukti Kinerja Mengajar Mata Kuliah Mikrobiogi Kelas A2. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - Bukti Kinerja Mengajar Mata Kuliah Rekayasa Genetika Kelas A. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - and Yasinta Marescoty Rosana, - and Vivi Silawati, - and Albiruni Rausanfikri, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Honey and Children : The Effects of Honey from Apis cerana Bees on Children' Nutritional Status in East Busa Tenggara - Indonesia". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Nurul Zahidah Nordin, - and Saldatul As Wani Mohd Khalif, - and Retno Widowati, - and Nadiawati Alias, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Isolation and characterization of potential compost degrading bacteria isolated from domestic waste". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - and Albiruni Raushanfikri, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior toward COVID-19 Prevention on Indonesian during Pandemic. Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Aryo Prakoso, - and Retno Widowati, - and Miswar Fattah, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Lifestyle and Potential of Fish Consumption on The People of Health in Pramuka Island, Indonesia. Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Dalia Sukmawati, - and Siti Nurkhasanah, - and Zakiah Nur Afifah, - and Shabrina Nida Al Husna, - and Retno Widowati, - and Hesham El Enshasy, - and Daniel Joe Dailin, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Metagenomic-based Approach for the Analysis of Yeast Diversity Associated with Amylase Production in Lai (Durio kutejensis). Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Sri Handayani, - and Suprihatin, - and Retno Widowati, - and Nyoman Yudi, - and Indra Rahayu, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Phytochemical, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities Test of Three Macro-Algae Phaeophyceae Extracts From Pulau Tidung Coastal Kepulauan Seribu". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - and Sri Handayani, - and Suprihatin, - and Indra Lesmana Rahayu, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Phytochemicals and Antioxidant of Methanol Extract of Gracilaria Salicornia, Halimeda Gracilis, Halimeda Macroloba, and Hypnea Asperi from Tidung Island Coastal Region". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - and Rini, Kundaryanti and Destia Ayuwan Julian, - and Albiruni Raushanfikri, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Pregnancy and work stress: investigation of factors relating stress level of pregnant working women in Indonesia". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Boy M. Bachtiar, - and Turmidzi Fath, - and Retno Widowati, - and Endang W. Bachtiar, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Quantification and Pathogenecity of Candida albicans in Denture-Wearing and Nondenture-Wearing Elderly". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Nur Amirah Syafiqah Salman, - and Nadiawati Alias, - and Retno Widowati, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Screening and identification of biocellulose producing bacteria from Malaysian local fruits". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - and Harini Nurcahya Mariandayani, - and Indra Lesmana Rahayu, - and Wellyzar Sjamsuridzal, - and Adi Basukriadi, - and Ariyanti Oetari, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "Soybean Dregs as Main Ingrediens of Pollen Substitute for Apis Cerana Honey Bees". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Triana Indrayani, Triana and Vivi Silawati, - and Retno Widowati, - and Sukri Palutturi, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "The Analysis of Antenatal Care During Covid-19 Pandemics in The Working Area of Public Health Center of Tangerang City". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Triana Indrayani, Triana and Sukri Palluturi, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and Agus Bintara Birawida, - and Retno Widowati, - and Rukmaini, - and Owildan Wisudawan, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "The Development of T-CBT Model to Improve the Competence of Midwives in Prevention Depression of Sexual Violence Victims". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - and Adi Basukriadi, - and Ariyanti Oetari, - and Effionora Anwar, - and Wellyzar Sjamsuridzal, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : "The Effect of Pollen Substitutes on the Productivity of Apis cerana in Indonesia". Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Retno Widowati, - and Sri Handayani, - and Suprihatin, - and Indra Lesmana Rahayu, - and Nyoman Yudi Antara, - (2021) Turnitin Jurnal : Antibacterial Activity of Methanol Extract of Gracilaria Salicornia, Halimeda Gracilis, Halimeda Macroloba, and Hypnea Asperi from Indonesia. Universitas Nasional. (Unpublished)
Triana Indrayani, Triana and Sukri Palutturi, - and Ridwan Amiruddin, - and MUHAMMAD SYAFAR, - and Agus Bintara Birawida, - and Retno Widowati, - and Rukmaini, - (2020) Turnitin Jurnal : "Effect of educational game usage in increasing self-protection capabilities at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Alwahyu Jakarta". Ediciones Doyma, S.L..
Retno Widowati, - and Afri Yondra, - and Ahmad Yusuf, - (2016) Prosiding Seminar Hasil KKL Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional dengan judul : "Inventarisasi Pohon Sarang dan Tumbuhan Pakan Apis Dorsata, Serta Pemanfaatan Madu Hutan Di Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Rimbang Baling – Riau". Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Nasional.