Manausia Dalam Pandangan Alquran

Sazali, - (2014) Manausia Dalam Pandangan Alquran. ilmu dan Budaya, 38 (37). pp. 4199-4220. ISSN 0126-2602

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In the Quran men are called by several terms, among others, Basyar, alInsaan, al-naas, al-abd, and the sons of Adam (bani Adam) and so on. Basyar as biologis creature, Humans called Basyarr because human beings are qudrati require biological aspects, such as eating, drinking, breed, sleep, rest, work and so forth. Insan, the word man is picked up from the root word meaning „uns‟ benign opposed to wild animals, harmonious, and looks. This opinion, if viewed from the standpoint of the Qur'an is more precise than that found he had drawn from the word nasiya (forget), or nasa-yanusu (shaking), or creature that is often forgotten. Al-naas means the human (jama'). Al-abd mean humans as servants of God. Bani adam means that the children are the offspring of Adam because of Adam. In the Quran mentioned that human beings are the most precious and has a variety of potential as well as guidance to live a life of truth in the world and the hereafter. God as the creator of the universe and humans has provided information through the revelation of Al-Quran and factual reality that appears in human beings. The information was given him by the verses are not scattered or piled up in one paragraph of the letter. This is done so that his men tried searching, researching, thinking, and analyze it. Did not receive any such crude. To be able to decide, we need a researcher Qur'an apostles analytically and depth. Then proceed to do the research to formulate what is right comes from the initial concept of God. The results of the Qur'an researchers have done, can be drawn that man is composed of the following elements: bodies, spirit, nafs, qalb, enlightened, and aqal. Keyword: Basyar, Insan, An Nash

Item Type: Article
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions: Artikel > Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
Depositing User: BPSI Unas
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2017 16:18
Last Modified: 20 Aug 2017 16:18

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